East Martin Cemetery, Martin, Michigan

Transcription of East Martin Cemetery in Martin, Michigan, taken in 1932 and containing all gravestones found at that time. In addition, town records were consulted for additional information and burials where gravestone no longer existed.

The East Martin Cemetery is on the northwest quarter of Sec. 21. It was opened sometime after 1847 when the Township bought three acres of land for a burying ground from Rensselaer G. Smith. Other land has since been purchased adjoining the original plot. Prior to the opening of this cemetery, burials were generally made on the farm or in the dooryard. Of these, many were later removed to this ground. The stone of earliest date is Martha, wife of Hubbard Pratt, d. May 25, 1847, ae 39y. This is a well-cared-for graveyard. It is one mile east and one-half mile north of Martin Village. Some notations in () are items told me in 1935 by Emeline Eldred Youngs, who was born in Martin and had lived there all her life. For many years, she and her husband attended all funerals in the community. Although she was more than 90 years old, she was active and clear of mind. She also told me that many were not removed to the cemetery after it was opened, especially naming 3 or 5 persons who were buried where the Patterson building now stands (1954) in the village. The records in the office of the Township clerk were examined and any data additional to the inscription is given as (cr). Inscriptions were copied in 1932. The sexton has a plat showing the lots and owners.

East Martin Cemetery

Lot Owner Surnames

This is a list of surnames of the lot owners. There are additional surnames represented by those buried in the lots that are not listed here.

Adams, Allen, Anderson, Andrews, Baar, Bachman, Baker, Barnes, Batchelor, Batholomew, Baxter, Beach, Bearup, Beattle, Bee, Bender, Blair, Bloom, Blossom, Boomama, Bortell, Bovie, Bowen, Braamkolk, Brabon, Bradley, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Brush, Bryant, Buist, Burgen, Burlingame, Burt, Bush, Buxton, Cairns, Calleward, Campbell, Carpenter, Casson, Catt, Chappell, Chase, Clapperton, Clark, Closs, Coates, Collins, Cook, Coon, Coperon, Cornwell, Cory, Cosgrove, Cressey, Cristie, Culver, Curie, Davidson, Davis, Deal, Decker, DeGroot, DeLano, Denniston, Dipner, Divine, Doty, Doxey, Drayton, Dunton, Dwight, Edwards, Eldred, ervin, Fairchild, Fales, Farwell, Fenner, Fetterley, Fox, Franklin, Freeman, Frost, Garrett, Gibbs, Gilder, Gilger, Goodrich, Grant, Green, Grinage, Gurley, Haan, Hall, Harden, Harding, Hatfield, Henry, Herbert, Heydenberk, Hicks, Hogeboom, Holt, huisman, Hunt, Hurley, Hutton, Iams, Irwin, Ives, Jacobs, Jamieson, Janse, Johnson, Keith, Kelsey, Kelso, Ketchum, Kimball, King, Kitchen, knowlton, Konkle, Kraima, LaFountaine, Lambert, Lamfear, Lamphier, Lapman, Laraway, Lindsay, Losure, Lowery, Lukins, Markle, Martin, Mathews, Maus, McCafferty, McCormick, McDonald, McGregor, McIntosh, McIntyre, McKeag, McLoud, McMillen, Meredith, Miller, Millivans, Mills, Minshall, Monteith, Morris, Moss, Murray, Negus, Nelson, Newbury, Nichols, Nicholson, Noble, Oviatt, Page, Pallett, Pardee, Parmenter, Patterson, Peer, Pelham, Peschmann, Peterson, Pierce, Pierson, Piper, Pollitt, Pratt, Prindle, Rantz, Redpath, Reighley, Rembe, Roberts, Rose, Ross, Sackett, Scales, Scofield, Sergel, Shellman, Sherwood, Shinville, Shook, Shultes, Simmons, Skinner, Sliter, Sloan, Smith, Snyder, Solomen, Sornsbury, Southwick, Spoolstra, Spoor, Stayman, Stebbins, Steele, Strobel, Strong, Talladay, Tallman, Talsma, Taylor, Tenney, Tien, Tousey, Trumble, Van der Molen, VanDyke, VanSingle, Velting, waddle, Walcott, Walker, Wall, Warner, Way, Weeks, Wells, Wesley, Wheeler, White, Whitney, Wicks, Wightman, Wilder, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wise, Yeats, Young, Youngs.


Monteith, Ruth Marian Robbins, Cemetery Inscriptions of Allegan County, Michigan, Martin, Michigan : R.R. Monteith, 1952.

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