Biography of Erwin Hemstreet of Bellaire, Michigan

Biographical history of northern Michigan

For a score of years has the subject of this review been identified with the business and civic affairs of the thriving little city of Bellaire, the judicial center of Antrim county, and no citizen is held in higher regard in business and social circles than is this pioneer merchant, … Read more

Early Days In Grand Rapids

Collections and Researches made by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, vol. XXXVIII

By Miss Lucy Ball Read at the annual meeting, June 27, 1907. In 1836 my father, John Ball, [1]See biographical sketch, Vol. VII, pp. 496-509, this series. was practicing law in Troy, New York. It was a year when conservative eastern capitalists speculated wildly in western government lands. Some of … Read more

John S. Hooker of Lowell

John S. Hooker

John S. Hooker was born August 29, 1830. Seven years later his father, Cyporean S. Hooker with the family settled at the trading post that has since claimed the French name of Saranac. It was July 2, 1837, when the Hookers took up their abode at Saranac and there was … Read more

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